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Emergency Services Training – Sign up!

Emergency Services Training – Sign up!

Tonight, there was a training event for emergency crews in our area. A multi-car accident with multiple fatalities and various injuries was re-created with *six* Ambulances’, multiple Fire & Rescue Trucks and the SES.

It was a hive of activity with what seemed like multiple layers of learning, practising, training and supervising going on at the same time. While we are blessed to have such a thorough spread of emergency services, something hit me:

Where is the emergency response (evangelism) training section in the Church?

We put so much in to catering to physical injury and keeping people alive, but what about their (far more important) soul? We don’t know if people will be injured, but *everybody* dies & faces judgement!

I know talking to people about Jesus is hard, weird, scary and I too never have the right thing to say – but hey if someone was asleep in a house fire would you care about the way you yelled at them to warn them? Or would shout & scream (or eveny break down the front door & run in)?

Hell is real, there is only One Way to God, His name is Jesus.

The people around us have *no idea* of who God is or what He is like – they hate Him because they don’t know Him. They don’t know what He has done for them…

It’s up to us to warn them about hell, share the *fantastic* news that Jesus came to save them and reveal God & His love to them.
Shouldn’t being equipped in this area be a big section of the church?

Who’s in?

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