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Jesus is everywhere!

Jesus is everywhere!

Despite obvious physical limitations, in the last week or two I have: 

– spoken to someone who had the experience of ‘God’ taking them into heaven & giving them a new name, and writing that name on their forehead. (Part of it was the number 666…). He took a Bible and promised to read it. 

– connected with a couple from England on the beach who were so excited that I sought them out & shared my testimony…  At oen point one of them actually said: “my soul needs light to be happy”!! What an invitation to share about *the* Light of the world?!! I really didn’t want to approach them, but glad I did! 

– been able to share via email with someone who was struggling at uni & I was able to sow into his life practically & share about Jesus with him. Not *just* about eternity but his whole purpose / direction in life and coming career. 

– connected with a Catholic who reached out on our website (to debate on some of our differences). A greater outcome resulted: we were able to encourage and challenge each other towards Jesus and the Bible  *despite* our differences.  

– spoken to an ex ‘free’ mason who was willing to admit he would meet *someone* when he died (after I said he would meet Jesus). The conversation kept going for another 15 minutes (this person, a neighbour, used to walk off if I mentioned Jesus at all). 

– had the opportunity to encourage a Jehovah’s Witness who has had bleak medical prognosis and is struggling with the ramifications. 

– listened as someone who has been opposed to Jesus, who operates as a practitioner in new age mysticism, wept about previous life experiences after watching a rendition of God’s law and how it relates to real life. 

– heard how a couple I haven’t seen for ages had also been hurt by people in the ‘church’. I was able to share our journey and some scripture that highlights how God uses it all and carries us. It seemed to be well received –  encouraging and timely for all of us. 

– watched as a number of ‘co-incidences’ led to us seeing a large dangerous snake as it entered a place where it could have ended in disaster. Instead, after only an hour of battling, we were able to eliminate the threat… *shudder*. I seriously wonder how many times God has protected us from snakes in obvious ways? At least 8 specific instances come to mind… 

– received God’s provision in so many strange ways it really does defy belief. On paper we should not be able to survive. 

– engaged in a number of deep and meaningful conversations with our children, talking about real issues, offences, hurts and desires – vital conversations so they feel accepted, valuable, protected and safe and to keep unity within the family unit. 

– privileged to help serve a free breakfast to kids, parents and teachers at a school (and facilitate some before school games) – just to bless them. 

– had hundreds of times where it is obvious that my life (and that of those around me), is far from a bunch of mindless, meaningless and chance happenings…

– I even received a text from my wife which said: ’thank you I needed to hear that’ after I felt to text her with some encouraging words during a particularly tough day. It should be the easiest and most common thing (to support and encourage my wife), but unfortunately I fail at this a lot and don’t do it nearly enough. 

Through *every one* of these interactions, the conclusion is the same:

Jesus is alive and well…still orchestrating amazing interactions, continually enabling powerful encounters and directing events like no one else can. He does far more than *just* save…and can use us all to be part of change. 

Each one of these snippets reveal a real person in real need, but with only me in front of them. Despite my faults & limitations & failures & awkwardness & limited education…I was able to be a tiny part of their journey. You can too! 

I encourage you – if you know Jesus, speak up! He will use *everything* you say! (If you don’t believe me read 1 Cor 15:58). 

“Jesus Christ, the Creator, the King, the same yesterday, today and forever.”  

Lord, motivate us to be willing to step out in faith, reach out to others and look out for those who need our prayer, care, attention or intervention. Give us the strength we need to continue in our own trials, but also compassion for those around. Be glorified in our lives. 


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