Scrolling social media, it seems that stacks of people are wanting WW3 to start:
This week on my social feeds I have seen Trump being accused of being juvenile, racist, narcissistic, homophobic, blind, stupid and evil among many. People I consider friends have boldly stated publicly that all Trump supporters are blind and / or brainwashed.
Post after post criticising Trump for not bowing down to Zelenskies demands for the US to jump in and fight against a nuclear Russia…why?!
Ignoring the fact that Zelensky agreed to a deal & then waited to back out in front of live cameras (I’m not criticising his showmanship ability: that has been on display for years), do people *really* want an armed conflict between the USA & Russia? Isn’t this *exactly* what people critical of Trump boldly claimed he would do? But he is doing the exact opposite and it seems he is universally hated and attacked.
I say seems as his approval is soaring by actual people who have had to live under the socialistic ideals of previous administration, but you would not guess that from media & social posts…
Have people forgotten that this all started due to Nato pushing East towards Russia against their previous promise? Couldn’t this be stopped by Nato / Europe reversing this provocative action instead of pushing & paying Ukraine towards war?
They say that Trump is rewarding Putin for invading if he doesn’t agree to defend Ukraine against Russia. So why doesn’t this rationale ring true for both sides of the equation? By ignoring the Nato / European creep towards Russia, Trump would still be encouraging one side, antagonising war.
Surely what he is doing is taking far more neutral, responsible position? Of course, there are far more factors at play than these two sides, I for one am relieved that there are people willing to look brash or rude in order to avert what will turn out to be a global catastrophe. Many previous presidents would have been tempted by a lucrative deal for Ukraine resources.
This may highlight part of the source of the problem. The Democrats, deeply socialistic, have leaders who have gotten rich off their political dealings. Ironically, they claimed that Trump was anti-democracyThe opposite is true of current leaders: self-made billionaires who are working for free to expose and rid the country of fraudulent groups, grants and payments. And the runs deep – very deep.
Clear evidence of wrong doing, billions upon billions of dollars recovered, yet social feeds are saturated with illogical memes like the below. People need to study history and see where socialism / marxism *always* ends. It is *never* good in the long run for the poor. At best, they are worse off, at worst, the vulnerable are oppressed or killed.
We are seeing all the pieces being put into place in our own country.
Yet the previous USA administrations tactics of purchasing media influence & bias is still working fine and filling people here in Australia!
Here we have:
– new islands and Chinese warships patrolling off our shores, the best our current government can do is lie to us that we were given prior notice.
– new laws are being passed that will try to ensure we can not obtain objective facts and can be arrested even if we disagree to a political point.
– new laws removing guns from law abiding citizens, failing to address the true source of crime.
– new laws allowing children to mutilate themselves or make decisions for their health without their parents consent or knowledge.
– clear bias and lack of consistency in enforcing laws on different groups of people.
– a return to using race or general as a discriminator, fulfilling quotas instead of hiring by merit or qualification.
– laws banning people getting the help they need or want for emotional issues.
– laws determine that numerous aborted babies that survive are to be left alone, without pain relief or medical help to die a slow painful death.
– draconian measures, forced sackings and worse for people who educated themselves and refused to take an experimental ‘vaccine’ that has proven to be unsafe and have many long lasting adverse affects.
– current state government has gone as far to say they will close all private rehabs.
– a government that sees people in general, but especially children, as belonging to them.
Around the world, Christians are being beheaded just for being Christian, horrific events and *actual* ethnic cleansing (Mali, Somalia, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Syria, Myanmar etc), but let’s ignore all that and support terrorism, because a certain nation thinks it is ok to rape, torture, kidnap and murder to wipe out the Jewish race (actual ethnic cleansing).
Seeing deathly thin, tormented kidnap victims returned in place of multiple war criminals or worse should evoke world-wide outrage. Yet the masses protest *for* Hamas??! Sickening.
It just goes to show the power & influence of the media. Don’t get sucked in, the Americans didn’t this time…
Despite a calculated, desperate, worldwide and *very* expensive social / media campaign to destroy Trump from every angle (Zelensky was part of that aim, joining the Democratic media blitz), he won in a land slide. Unless you were on the ground in the USA or read X or Gab, this likely caught you by surprise.
But here we are, he is doing what he promised the American people. Uncovering billions of dollars of wasted money, revealing collective and manipulative fraud, returning a semblance of normality to socially engineered laws, protecting women in sports, freeing people jailed for thought crimes, removing the US from parasitic draconian organisations and, at least for now, refusing to get drawn in to WW3.
I encourage you to be more astute to actual events and policies. When you see a post that either levels unproven accusations at someone or worse, throws slanderous labels, then finding a new source of information could be your best option. Millions are, they have had enough of being manipulated.
Have you?
Lord, help us to see Truth, actual Truth. Help us to see each others’ perspectives. Help us to know which issues are to take our attention for the sake of others and which are merely distractions. Help us to walk with You and share Your love and Truth with everyone. ThankYou for Your love and the nation we live in.
I am in no way a ‘Trump is saviour’ person.
I agree that his demeanour is irritating.
I know he has had many accusations against him
I believe he has had many moral failures.
I have read the charges against him
I guess he is not a Christian.
I disagree with his stance on IVF.
But credit where credit is due. He is incredibly smart, master tactician, strong leader and negotiator. He cares deeply for his country and has put his life and finances on the line for that end.
I am happy to be corrected. I am happy to learn.
I am passionate about Australia and my brothers and sisters in the USA and Down Under, so I care about laws that will affect them negatively. But there are deeper issues at play…
Even if the Greens (the most family / culturally destructive political party in Australia) ruled for the next 50 years, Jesus is still King. God will still have His way. Love will triumph. Make sure you are in Jesus.