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The Greens – Environmental Communism

The Greens – Environmental Communism

Reading through some of the Greens policies, determined to find some ‘good’. I agree with some of their aims, however the methods to get there are at times absurd. 

A number of their policies sum it up for me, one is: 

“reform electoral law to allow young people aged 16 and 17 to vote”

Seriously? Surely everyone can see that *very* few 16-17 years old have any clue of life, let alone how to run a country or get a culture to thrive? 

I would argue the exact opposite: that no one should be forced to vote and only those who have more than 25 or even 30 years of life experience have the opportunity. 
I shudder to think of what I would have voted for at 16. And, for that matter, where would I be if drugs had been decriminalised? If wealth was being redistributed to me even if I didn’t work? If prostitution was legal? I dare say their ‘dying with dignity’ policy would have been an easy out for me…

Their redistribution of wealth and ideals of equal outcome have never worked throughout history, yet they persist. But that is what happens when you succumb to the ever present temptation to put Creation above the Creator. The Bible makes it clear: your mind becomes clouded…utter foolishness results. 

The Greens seem to be the most anti-Christian party, hell bent on destroying our culture & nation. But even if Environmental Communism / Irrational Wokeiss won in Australia, I think we would see some huge advances in the Christian Church. It has always thrived despite the evil of surrounding culture. 

Maybe we are too comfortable, too distracted by the cravings and opulence around us? I believe so, but not enough to vote for evil! 

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