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Insanity: males assaulting and stealing from female athletes is now ‘sport’ – Angela Carini

Insanity: males assaulting and stealing from female athletes is now ‘sport’ – Angela Carini

Another round of outrage as illogical and depraved rules leave an elite athlete, a woman, forced out of her rightful place and injured.

“I have never been hit that hard in my life” 

As devastating, demeaning and despicable as this situation is (allowing biological males to fight females), it is only one of a countless number of wrongs that will mount up without a solid standard of ‘Truth’…
We as a nation have rejected God & voted for ‘subjective reality’.

Because of our ‘superior knowledge’ (and pride), we thought we could have the benefits that came from God without the God who gave them.

Unfortunately, women being beaten up by men in the ring is far from the worst of what will be called normal if we continue to assert our atheistic position…  

Without the Giver of morals (God), there can never be objective morality.
Without the Source of Love (God), there can never be true compassion.
Without the Saviour of the world (Jesus), there can be no forgiveness of sin.

As much as I feel for Angela Carini, I fear more for the millions that will be subtly influenced by the cancer that is eroding our culture from within. We are on a course that is destroying identity, marriage, family, gender and even the notion of reality or Truth.

In all of history, no culture has ever managed to reverse the rot, after they reached the point we are at now. Every single one has been wiped off the face of the map. Each one thought, like us, they were invincible.  

But don’t worry – the Bible predicts it all: those in Jesus (not religion), have a secure eternity. Whether or not they are physically extinguished, depends on how they respond or remove themselves form the culture that falls under God’s judgment. Christians who stay in that culture suffer the same fate. Thankfully, history is littered with Christians who read the signs & moved in time. 

Chin up Angela, you did what you could, you never gave up. You faced up to an impossible and unfair position, hold your head up high. Humans with a heart and logic can see that you are the winer in this fight.
Justice comes to all at the end of time.
God sees, the Just Judge will right *all* wrongs.
God Bless.
#transgender #Paris2024Olympics #illogical #culture

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