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The Voice 2023 – the Australia I Love.

The Voice 2023 – the Australia I Love.

Am I wrong?
If unity, fairness and ‘help for the vulnerable’ would result from ‘the Voice’, *everyone* would vote yes – I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t.

The problem is, nobody has any clarity on what this Voice actually will be initially (let alone further down the track). The lack (and mis) information has been astounding. This is even more worrying considering the determination of our current government to gain *complete* control. Both overt and covert attempts are being made to censor what we are allowed to hear, see or believe (not just to do with the Voice).
That’s not Freedom.

What we do know is that, at the constitutional level, we will be separated based on Race. Any group getting a mention or privileges based on Race is directly opposed to the core value of our nation. More opportunities for some, free handouts for others doesn’t help.
That’s not Equality.

There are so many specific groups and organisations that are already ‘speaking’ to parliament on behalf of many different groups. Currently 40+ ‘voices’, yet we are told one more will help.
That is not helping the Vulnerable.

I believe that only a select few will benefit and the chasm between rich and poor will only grow wider with this ‘Voice’. Where is the actual help at the heart of the actual issues?
That’s not Fair.

We have seen it with native tree planting $million demands, farmers unable to work without permission and the chants of cancel ‘Australia Day’.
That’s not Unity.

Where does it stop? Do we actually want the benefits of the culture we have? Finances, healthcare, roads, hospitals, diversity, freedom of religion / thought, justice, policing Centrelink? If yes, let’s knuckle down, acknowledge wrongs, share each others hurts and move on. If not, stop claiming the benefits while taking pot shots – that is part of the problem.
And that’s not Australian.

Interestingly, it has rarely been government policies that have affected real change in culture. That’s because human nature gets in the way – you can’t legislate for a sinful nature. 

Where change has come about so dramatically that cultures and countries are healed? When Jesus has been preached, when people are convicted and turn away from their sin. They collectively look out for the good of others and affect real change. 

It’s happened in coal pits, villages and inner cities throughout history. It has revolutionised cultural norms like racism, the slave trade and care of the poor / vulnerable. Many of the benefits we enjoy today are extensions of what Bible believers fought and died for – against the government and / or culture of the time. 

I love my country, I love the people. I care about what happens to the vulnerable. I care about the past and next generations. I care about the land and environment. I care about freedom. I am willing to personally help and get my feet dirty. I trust Jesus, not government. 
That’s why I’ll be voting No.

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