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THIS is MY body!!

THIS is MY body!!

A phrase that is issued by the diametrically opposed: 

“This is MY body!! I am going to kill you, so I can ‘live’ ” 
(Mother to baby) 
“This is My BODY, broken, bruised & killed, so YOU can live” 
(Jesus to sinners, like you and me)

The first phrase originated from Gods opponent: the liar, the accuser, satan. he continually issues lies and half-truths designed to leave you trapped, disillusioned, depressed, addicted and worse. 

Killing your baby will not make your life better or more fulfilling.
It may seem easier right now, but you were designed to be fulfilled by motherhood.
You were designed to be enriched by relationship, not career / success. 

There are plenty of people and organisations that can and will help you fulfil your God-given role. 
No matter what your hesitation, no matter what negative scenarios you envision, no matter how deep your fear…it will all melt away when you connect and get eye contact with your precious little one. 

The connection & bond between parent and child is incredibly powerful and does not rely on being perfect or earning anything – it is built into the very fibre of the spiritual & emotional essence of you and your baby.  

The second phrase comes from the Son of God, Jesus, who willingly gave up His life to pay for yours, mine and your babies. It’s not about religion or earring anything – it is about accessing the gift that Jesus purchased. 

Have you failed? Made a mess of your life? Made bad choices against God, yourself & others? Feel helpless?

That is exactly why Jesus came to earth & died. He knew you would do all the things you have. He loves you & offers forgiveness anyway. PLEASE don’t ignore it.

Lord, please forgive me for all I have done, not because I deserve it, but because Your Son died for me. Please help me face what I need to & live the way you want. Help me follow as you guide me. Thank You for your gift of life. 

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