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No matter how hard you try as a parent…

No matter how hard you try as a parent…

No matter how hard you try as a parent, you can never:

protect your children from everything
ensure your good intentions (or lessons) will be interpreted correctly
imagine the highs & lows you will experience as they grow up
force God to open their eyes, convince or convert them… 

Far from trying to brain wash them into religion, we have always wanted our children to *know* the Truth for themselves. (The Truth is Jesus, the living King of all, *not* a set of religious beliefs or doctrines).

Tonight was one of those times where I saw evidence that He was revealing Himself to one of my children…totally outside of my planning, ‘wisdom’ or effort. 

Hugging them & watching the genuine tears of contrition run freely as they experienced grace, I could hardly hold my tears (of joy) back. 

He is so, *so* faithful!

Thankfully His Truth is *far* than the mere religious philosophy / ideology of millions, He actually has the power to save. 

#thankYouJesus #howsweetthesond #amazinggrace

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