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Real love tells truth – blowing smoke is selfish

Real love tells truth – blowing smoke is selfish

It is often soo easy to tell people what they want to hear – but at times it may do them harm. 

Love, real love, puts the other persons *needs* above your own feelings and status. That type of love will motivate you to say things you *really* don’t want to say and cause you to keep quiet about things you *really* want to say… 

The common factor is that you will be doing what is best for the other persons long-term well being. This is something modelled perfectly by Jesus… 

At times, He would say things that offended people, but what he said gave them the opportunity of eternal life! If you are a Christian, you have a message that can save someone from actual hell – but it is a message that may cause someone to dislike you or attack you or reject you. Are you going to love them enough to say it anyway? 

Conversely, the Son of Man with all His insight into the future and the coming judgment and everything else had a vast amount He wanted to share with His disciples. But when it was not going to be good for them, He restrained Himself. We should too! Even if it is our hobby horse. Even if we just read something and are excited about it. If it is not good for the other person….zip it! 

“There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now.”
– Jesus  [John 16:12-13 (NLT)]

Let’s make sure we are helping people and telling them the Truth! 

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me” 
– Jesus  [John 14:6 (NLT)]

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