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Be a river not a dam…ministry books

Be a river not a dam…ministry books

 Recently, a friend passed away. They were active in a number of different prayer ministries over the years and attended a training that we ran years ago. Before passing, she had arranged a friend to get all the prayer ministry materials to us in case we could utilise them. 

Going through the material today it was heart warming to see some the things we had put together years ago were useful for this precious soul both for their own painful journey and in helping others.

But as I continued to go through boxes of material and saw just how much training this person had gone through, I couldn’t help thinking ‘what a waste’…

Incredibly intelligent, they had done copious amounts of study in many fields, this was just one. Yet there were decades and decades of training materials and notes from many different sources.

There was enough knowledge represented in these materials to run a ministry or help thousands of people. They had likely put in as much time as those who study to get a degree. But here, there was no offer or potential of any financial gain, just a desire to be free and help others. 

But now all that wisdom, knowledge, good intentions and potential was gone. Gone for good. 

It was a timely reminder to use whatever knowledge, skills, wisdom, gifts, giftings, time and resources we have to help others, while there is still time. 

Why don’t we?

If you have experienced God’s love, Jesus’ transformation, learned (or been taught) from the Bible, understood how God has forgiven or helped you – you have a wealth of wisdom that others would benefit from. 

And let’s face it – they need it! 

Let us be a ‘river’, freely flowing and giving what we already have to those around us, not a ‘dam’. As Jesus says: 

“…Give as freely as you have received!”  

Matthew 10:8 (NLT)

 Interestingly, where He says this, is where He is telling His disciples to go out an take care of people, heal them and share the Gospel with them. 

What are we waiting for? 

Lord, please give us the desire to reach out to those who are lost and/or hurting. Help us sacrifice our time and overcome any doubt or fear we have about reaching out and helping others. Please speak through us as we share about Your love & Truth to those who need it. 

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