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How GMO products highlight our need for God

How GMO products highlight our need for God

Watching a movie on companies that sued and indebted farmers to further their profits.

It brought me to tears – it’s horrific to think there are people, companies and even a culture that thinks it is ok to force people off their land, split up communities and allow people to literally die instead of help them.
Buts it’s not isolated- this is more than Monsanto or James Hardie or any singular entity.

It goes to core of our culture (and human nature) and accuses each one of us who refuses (at any level) to serve God.
That is not my opinion, but what Jesus Himself said:

“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.”
– Jesus (Matthew 6:24 NLT)

I am ashamed that I fell into that very thing as a lifestyle:
I ripped people off, stole, sold drugs to young mixed up kids, used women and added to the 26 unborn babies murdered daily in WA.

All around we see people willing to walk past, ignore or even trample other precious humans to get what they want (or have convinced themselves they need).

Even worse for me – after being rescued, having my eyes opened, understanding what is right / wrong and seeing the result of my actions (on myself and others) it is STILL easy to fall in to at times: 

  • Too busy to stop and help people on side of the road
  • Talking to people about sport, money, products instead of their desperate need of Jesus.
  • Building ‘my’ empire instead of serving the Kingdom.
  • Doing whatever instead of serving and laying down my life, supporting, encouraging and washing my wife in the Word. 
  • Being reactive instead of proactive (or even getting angry) at the precious children God has given me. Getting sidetracked with debates and being right instead of praying and loving people. 

I am fallen, flawed and fail regularly, yet he has been faithful and has not given up on me.

Lord please change my heart and empower me through your Spirit to do better.

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