Forgiveness is a huge deal. In every day interactions, relationships, parenting, our job - everywhere, forgiveness is vital. Most of what we call forgiveness however is simply denial or suppression. This is even more true in situations where there is more to forgive - severe wrongs and abuse that cause relational debt.

Ironically, these wrongs done to us, and the lasting issues of unforgiveness, if left unresolved can cause us untold harm. Unlike most books we have read, this new book addresses the heart of the matter.

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Effortless Forgiveness
This book addresses a much over-looked topic in the church - genuine, heart-felt forgiveness.

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Effortless Forgiveness

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Effortless Forgiveness
A Biblical Take on Genuine Forgiveness

Forgiveness from the heart is not something we can do by mustering up our willpower and just choosing to do it. The success rate of this model is sorely lacking.

If we try our best to forgive and yet still feel animosity, offended, or remain angry with those who have hurt us, then something is amiss.

Forgiving from the heart as Jesus forgave is an outcome of genuine compassion felt toward those who have hurt us (Matt. 18:27).

This occurs effortlessly when we rightfully view the person and his offence through the eyes of truth. Forgiveness from the heart is a work of God accomplished in us by Him alone in the same manner as He produces the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).

The fruit of the Spirit is not a “to-do” list that we attempt to accomplish. Rather, the fruit is an effortless outcome of knowing God’s truth with the heart. We cannot produce His fruit and neither can we produce compassion and forgiveness unless the Spirit brings it about.

Like the fruit, forgiveness is the effortless outcome of knowing truth in our hearts with absolute certainty. Only the Spirit can persuade us of the truth in this manner.

By reading “Effortless Forgiveness” you will discover how to cooperate with the Spirit as He reļ¬nes your faith/belief by persuading you of His truth, and thereby, releasing you to forgive effortlessly from your heart.


The sub heading for this new book sums up a deep truth that is easy,
very easy, to miss. The consequences can be huge:

Forgiving is not something that we do, but the effortless outcome of the knowing the truth in our hearts
Ed M. Smith

Having been a Christian for coming up to 18 years, being someone who has had many wrongs done to me (also someone who sought out teachings on forgiveness for myself and others), I can say with emphasis that nearly all preaching I have heard and the books I have read do not address the true heart of forgiveness.

They involve certain things 'to do' - decisions of the will, releasing, prayers, renunciations, recitals and ultimately some type of avoidance or suppression. These things do not 'work' and leave things unresolved.

What I have witnessed in ministry (TPM) however, is something completely different. I have seen people go into very, very painful and traumatic memories and re-live them in brutal detail. I have then seen Jesus bring truth to them and release them from
all the painful lies they had unknowingly taken on board in these places. This in itself is incredible - but far from the end of it...

There are many things that can happen - genuine repentance and confession being a common one - but another common one that blows me away every single time: genuine forgiveness.

Here, the person, without prompting, will be looking at the person that wounded them. They are in the memory, re living the horror of what happened, and they look at the person with an expression that is simply mind blowing.

Not anger, not hatred, not hiding, not ignoring, not denying, not suppression, but
compassion and love. Sometimes the compassion they have brings them to tears. They feel sorry for the person and often know why the person is doing what they are. Forgiveness in this place is easy. It is a natural outflowing from the heart.

And it is real - it isn't just for here and now. I have heard from many, years later, they have never struggled with bad feelings, anger, hatred, thoughts of revenge etc - the forgiveness is complete. The thought of that person or interaction with them doesn't bring up stress etc.

No more burden, no more self doubt, no more trying, no more condemnation, just peace and freedom!

I do not say the above to discourage you - if you are making a conscious decision to forgive and move on = great! But know this - there is something more...much more!

I encourage everyone who has a painful past, struggles with unforgiveness, has addictions, has anger or has ongoing issues, to prayerfully consider pursuing freedom via TPM. It really is an avenue that God uses consistently to bring truth and freedom.

Nothing I have seen or experienced comes close.

- Adam Keegan

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