What areas of life are affected?

Four of the Basic areas of life where problems occur are below:

Spiritual: the only answer for spiritual problems, spiritual life, spiritual health and sin, is Jesus. Plain and simple. No matter what you hear, what you believe or have been told - without this truth you will continually err in all the other areas. We're not saying 'believe in Jesus' or 'go to church' and 'everything will be alright;. Far from it - but there are principles and practises that God uses to literally transform your life - from inside! Don't believe? Skeptical? Anti - religion? That's fine - what we offer is still open to you. We are happy to discuss or debate(!) - however the need for this normally dissipates once you actually hear from Jesus. He's likely not who you think He is!

Mental: We separate this into two crude parts for now: Beliefs and thoughts.
THOUGHTS - This is the conscious part of your mind that learns things by information. Thoughts are the things we are most aware of and where most learning, techniques, programs and groups focus. Mental health and other 'help' programs want you to practise having a strong mind - having the correct thoughts, healing your mind etc.
We do not practice nor promote any of this as the foundation to healing. Sure we have tried many of these techniques - but they have limited success - and only while you are doing the things with your mind (i.e. working at it). It's not real freedom, it is tiring and does not bring true inner peace! They can have some benefit after the deeper aspects are dealt with if needed.
BELIEFS - This is the internal part of your mind that has learned different things by experience. What you believe, based on experience, controls what you feel (emotions). So what you really believe is of utmost importance - and often hidden. Changing these internal beliefs is nearly impossible...but where our ministry centres. The difference between thoughts and beliefs will be discussed further in the next few pages.

Emotional: Emotions were designed to be fantastic - happiness, joy, peace, excitement, hope, fulfilment etc. Wow what a great thing they are! Unfortunately, the reality is that we experience negative emotions more often: fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, despair even depression. If you experience these things, you will know that when you are in the 'pit' or 'valley' no amount of trying, thinking different thoughts, people saying or doing things etc, helps. These emotions can overwhelm and completely dominate you. While we recognise their power, we don't see emotions as the problem - they simply indicate what you believe. We want you to be free form the effects of negative emotions, however we view emotions as a healthy and normal part of everyday life.

Physical: For many (especially the blokes) this is where you live. You may never feel sad or lonely or whatever - you may get on with life and be 'fine'. But what happens here indicates what emotions are hidden under neath and likely controlling you. For instance - do you get busy continually, get angry at certain things, avoid certain situations, continually try to escape reality (TV, movies, video games, substances, lust, fantasy etc) or find trouble getting motivated? All of these things indicate much deeper issues. You'll know that no matter how many resolutions you make, how much encouragement / nagging from others you get, how hard you try to change etc - it doesn't work. These things are simply techniques your mind has designed as a way of avoiding the pain - which you may not even be aware of. We don't try to change these things, but have seen these things change dramatically in ourselves and others as they get ministry.

The ministry technique we use is a way of getting to the very root of these issues - then having God resolve them for you. The next few pages will start to explain the process in more detail...
  • After living with it for years, I no longer have the fear of... (click here) Adam Keegan
Read the 'What is it' link HERE'

While we believe that all problems in life are rooted in sin and that there is only one cure for sin (Jesus and what He did on the cross), we do not think that religion is the answer. Nor do we think that any particular belief will automatically make all these things right - or even easier. In fact some beliefs (i.e. becoming a Christian) may actually make life harder - but with ministry you can have peace no matter the situation!

Say you are a addicted to doing something that you clearly don't want to do...and one day someone tells you 'Jesus is the answer' - you say a prayer, start reading the Bible, going to church - but the activity doesn't stop. Maybe you try to give it up - try all kinds of things to no do that activity. But internally you want to do it more than ever. You may still do it as much as you did, or you may have periods of victory, but internally nothing has changed. Now you just feel worse about it because you also know that the church doesn't agree with it, the Bible condemns it and you are still powerless to stop it.

The reason is simple to observe, not so easy to change: the wounds are still there. The habit / addiction / desire is not the problem. The problem is much deeper. The problem is the pain that causes you to want to do this or that. Now the reason for that pain is always sin - either yours or someone else's - and can only be resolved by Jesus.

Some in this state will become heavily involved in a church or charity or helping people. They will fill the void or pain with activities and they can look like very good people by what they do. But they are doing it out of obligation, pain and trying to feel better about themselves or trying earn recognition - they are what the Bible calls 'white-washed tombs'. God wants to transform you from within.

Now if Jesus actually removes the lies that cause all these problems, radical transformation can occur.

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