What happens in a ministry session...

A TPM session is generally a sit-down type session.
There are 3 people in a TPM session: you, the recipient, a facilitator and a prayer partner. The facilitator will be the one talking to you, asking questions and taking notes.
The prayer partner is there to pray, keep track of the facilitators progress and ensure protocol is followed. This brings a high degree of accountability to the process and safety for all parties present.
TPM is never administered with only two people present. Any and all notes will be given to you - no record of what is said in the session is kept in our ministry.

The facilitator will ask you questions and encourage you to report everything back.
Anytime you need an explanation you are free to ask - in fact, you are in complete control at all times and can communicate normally with the facilitator.
If you need the facilitator to go faster or slower, just tell them. If you are having trouble or thoughts or confusion - just report it back. It is all ok!

There is a basic format to all TPM sessions. We call it E.M.L.T. and it involves 4 basic steps:

This is simply the bad emotions you are or have been feeling. The facilitator will ask you what has been happening - what situations have you reacted to or have caused you pain recently. Once you can get in touch with these emotions and feel them, you will be encouraged to focus on the feelings and see what memory (or memories) come up.

As you remember different things you will be asked to describe and ‘re-live’ the events or memories that have surfaced. This can be quite emotional but is vital to receiving truth. Once truth has been received, the memory will often be the same in content, but completely peaceful and even enjoyable.

While in the memory you will be asked to find the source of the bad feelings which is a self belief and often a lie. While there are often multiple beliefs in these events, you will be encouraged to find the ‘core’ lie. This lie will often be a self belief about your identity, like “I am worthless” or “I am going to die”. These lies are the actual root of the bad feelings in any particular memory and affect our every day lives here and now (today). The facilitator is trained to identify these.

Once you get to the core lie, you will be asked if you are willing to know what Jesus would like you to know in that place about this lie. Jesus will bring truth in a variety of ways, e.g. an inner knowing, picture, feeling, words or a touch. He will interact with you in the way He chooses, and it will be completely individual. His truth will be verified, first of all according to the Bible, and secondly to make sure it was actually God. The effect is clear and lasting when it is!

Is that it?
In a full session, the E.M.L.T. process may repeat a number of times.
There may be many memories come up with similar themes or most of the session may be truth from God - the process is very individual. But at it’s core the 4 Basic Steps (E.M.L.T.) are what the sessions involve.

Many, many things can come up in a session that are not part of the 4 Basic Steps above.
Things like, lack of emotion (not being able to feel), spiritual things, not being able to hear God’s voice, avoidance (not wanting to remember / feel) and distractions.
We don’t need to go into details here, but be encouraged - with God’s help and truth, you can deal with all of these things quickly in the session as they come up if you want to.

One of the reasons we have chosen TPM for ongoing ministry is that you, as the recipient, are kept safe. No-one will suggest anything to you about memories, core beliefs, answers or the truth God wants for you.

We believe that God, when He speaks truth to you, knows what to say and wants a personal relationship with you.

We do not give advice, words of knowledge, prophecies, pictures, interpretations, suggestions about memories or beliefs or try to be ‘God’ in any way to you during the session.

Our aim is to facilitate your interaction with God, help you identify anything that may hinder that interaction and see Him bring truth and transformation in your walk with Him.
‘Intentional, focused prayer, leading to an authentic encounter with the presence of Christ, resulting in mind renewal and a subsequently transformed life’
Ed Smith

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