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Tag: <span>Transgender</span>

Tag: Transgender

Insanity: males assaulting and stealing from female athletes is now ‘sport’ – Angela Carini

Another round of outrage as illogical and depraved rules leave an elite athlete, a woman, forced out of her rightful place and injured. “I have never been hit that hard in my life”  As devastating, demeaning and despicable as this situation is (allowing biological males to fight females), it is only one of a countless number of wrongs that will mount up without a solid standard of ‘Truth’… We as a nation have rejected God & voted for ‘subjective reality’. Because of our ‘superior knowledge’ (and pride), we thought we could have the benefits that came from God without the …

Trans Last Supper Backfires – Revives Jesus!

It’s old news that a group of trans people decided it was ok to deliberately try to offend Jesus and His followers.  I’m sure they never imagined the response and I’m not talking about city-wide blackouts, rail sabotage, constant rain, mayhem at the soccer or even the (fake report) of tens of thousands that worshipped Jesus on the streets in response.  I’m talking about the way that the event has piqued the interested of millions of people wondering what ‘the Last Supper’ is all about. Even generic terms like “Jesus” have spiked…    You see, God can not be mocked. …

Trans’ phobia of Christ

So a group of transexuals / homosexuals think it is ok to deliberately and knowingly offend billions of people publicly. Shaking ‘their’ fist at the God who created humans, defined marriage & assigned the genders…What could go wrong?!  Even if you have no understanding that virtually every benefit & blessing we have in our Western culture is because of Jesus and His impact (welfare for the underprivileged, comprehensive healthcare, value of all human life, universal education, science & hygiene etc etc), *surely* you don’t think it is ok to deliberately offend a group of people on their beliefs?  Aren’t these …