Another windy night...
02/08/18 09:42 Filed in:
JourneyA little damage form the storm last night - and an opportunity to bless people in the community:
Some heavy winds (and hail) last night led to a number of things flying past the house with lots of crashes and bangs. We ran around picking up bins and building materials that had come loose - in gusts it was hard to stay upright - crazy!
This morning we found it had turned our large trampoline into a kite. It was discovered near the edge of our property in a crushed mess with about 150m path of destruction behind it.... so thankful it didn't hit anything of value! Amazing how it travelled right through the middle of the sheep pen and chook shed without damaging either.
The other trampoline only made it about 50m - but looks like it made it that far in only 1 bounce!

The solar water panels also took flight...this make shift area of vans is coming to the end of it's life, with more and more issues.

We are amazed though at how this 'shanty town' has served us - sure it has it's issues but really we have been relatively sheltered and able to live. It has now lasted 3 years longer than we planned - hopefully another 6 months and we can dismantle it all!
So thankful to be in a safe, warm and dry house for sleeping through this weather - the race is on to complete the rest so we can move in...
There has been a fair amount of damage up in our area, so we have phoned a few elderly people we know and asked to see if anyone needs help.
Today: Clean Up!
Oh and anyone want to buy a trampoline? 😂