The Quiet Shout - Christmas Comet 2018
12/12/18 15:00
There are some amazing things in the sky and far beyond. We, in the Western world with our busy and (normally) inside lives, very often miss so much of what is there it is crazy.
For many of us, the Southern Cross, a constellation and a planet or two are about the limit of our celestial knowledge.
There are certain specific events however, that are a great time and reminder to make a special effort to look up - not just up into the sky, not just up into other parts of the universe - but up, up, up - to the One who made it all by simply speaking!
Coming up is one such time...
On December the 16th (around 9pm)...
One of the closest approaches since records begun of the comet 46P Wirtanen will occur.
Also known now as the Christmas comet, this spectacle will be visible from after sun down, until early morning by the visible eye.
As always, the further you are from the city lights, the better you will see this amazing show - which will also coincide with the Geminids Christmas Meteor Shower.

The comet will be near the constellation Taurus
And, as always, the Creators wisdom is behind it all.
Imagine if this (or any one of millions or flying objects) were aligned slightly differently...we would be annihilated.
Looking up at the night sky often starts me thinking about Jupiter - that huge planet in our solar system that protects us from so many (what seem to be) wayward flying astrological bits. To think the Creator knows not on the location of every spec in space but also it's exact orbit...
And even more than that - He knows the very number of hairs on your head! He knows what you have gone through - what you enjoy - what causes you sadness - what has hurt. And He cares.
He wants the best for you - so much so He was willing for His Son to die on the cross in your place so you could live with Him forever. Amazingly, this incredible events was also forecast and broadcast in the heavens...
The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.
Psalms 19:1-4 (NLT)
See the below link for details...
The original Christmas Lights!

Tags: astronomy