JACK LIVES HERE: I had this sticker on my car, and in the bar. I loved Jack Daniels (like loved Jacks!) - but I didn’t know something that was of vital importance…
He’s actually dead. One day he forgot the combo to his safe…he got angry, kicked the safe & died from gangrene! Seriously! Jack is not alive he is dead…and you will be too one day. If you keep drinking Jacks you will likely be sooner than you expect.
Maybe you’re like me & don’t care that memory loss, anger & death will result. Maybe you think that it doesn’t affect you or your relationships - but those around you know different!
You know how it is - you look forward to drinking, you want to, then you need more & more to have the same fun. Before you know it, you’re drinking more than you want to, at times more than you can afford…and you can’t stop. You’re trapped, a true slave.
Slaves are all around though - you have to be a slave to something right? I might drink, but that’s better than drugs & ripping people off right? Others work all the time & use scripts, others are deadbeats & just watch TV or porn all the time - so what if I drink?
That would be fine but you know it’s not true - even you don’t really believe that - do you? Don’t you hate the fact that you have to spend so much money just to have a good time - or even worse - feel good? Don’t you hate being a slave?
I got to the point where I did too - but it was futile. Every time I tried to quit…I failed. Or I simply changed substances / activities. None of it worked. For me this led to me wanting to be dead. My body was stuffed, relationships continually failed…what was the point? I decided to end my life - I would rather be dead…
I set off on a trip & although this is a long story let me just say some amazing things happened. It was very weird, but eventually I had to agree that some things were actually miraculous.
Then, one night, it happened. I talked to a ‘god’ I didn’t believe existed. I read a book I hated (the Bible) and I was amazed. Seriously questions i had never asked anyone were answered. In years of study, therapy, counselling etc nothing spoke to me the same as this book.
I decided I would start doing what it said, not that I believed it or still really wanted to live…but as time went on I was shown some amazing, life changing things.
I don’t expect you to keep reading, but I’m happy to share more of this incredible journey either by email, text, phone, website or in person. But let me share this bit before I go…
There really is a God out there that cares - really cares…for you. He is nothing like you think He is and definitely nothing like the people you have likely met who claim to be His & did the wrong by you. I know - I spent my youngest years without a father in a cult - I can tell you I hated ‘god’ and religion!
But I found out He was nothing like I thought. He really will judge us all according to our sin (lies, theft, lust, idols (and addictions), but here’s the thing - He wants to free you from this judgement and your current torment.
He loves you so much, that He sent His Son (Jesus) to die in your place, to pay your fine. You can ignore it, keep struggling in your mediocre life and pay the fine yourself in hell if you like - but why not just see if I’m telling the truth. What do you have to loose?
Another sticker I had on my car: If I’m going to HELL…I’m going in a Holden. What a fool! I literally was on my way to a literal hell (!) but now I can say I have been granted life! I actually love life now - married with a number of kids who I love to be with. Sure there’s issues, sure I fail at all kinds of things - but the difference I know His love despite all my wrong choices and character flaws.
I am not the same person I was, but not because of me. Ok enough preaching - I really hope you take what I have said seriously. Call or text me if you like I am happy to give you a Bible if you don’t have one. But I urge you to talk to God, read the Bible & follow what it says. God will never let you down.
- Adam 0411-111-343
See if you NEED God: www.needgod.com