The many faces of THANKS
15/12/18 14:11
Reflecting today on some of the differing ways that thankfulness was displayed to us yesterday.
First off, pressed for time to get to the carols singing on time, we couldn't go past someone who's car was overheating.
As our bus aircon isn't working (and no opening windows in back!) we knew how hot it was for these poor people. We helped push their car out of the way of potential danger off Indian Ocean Drive, had a joke and made sure they had water etc
The two elderly occupants were very grateful - with verbal thanks.
Next were a variety of ooohs and ahhhs from elderly women at the aged care facility as they saw the children in their costumes for the carols...

This was followed by emphatic clapping by some who could not speak at the end of each carol.

After this, we gave hand made cards with scriptures & messages inside. Giving them hugs or just chatting, the responses were varied but precious.

Some of the Christmas card messages we used inside the cards.
Some, unable to talk had depth, longing and thanks in their eyes, others introduced themselves (with accompanying same joke) every 3 minutes, oblivious of the reoccurring previous encounters over the last 20 minutes.
Many beamed with glee as they simply connected with strangers.
Later, on the way home a man who needed to change a tyre was adamant he didn't need help, so I ran back and got him a burger out of the car as we had just stopped for a snack - the joy & excitement was amazing from this young guy.
You could be mistaken for thinking that I had given him $500.
Amazing how a helpful gift in time of need can be soooo rewarding to both the giver and the receiver.
We aim to bless more people in various ways like this over Christmas - please continue to pray with us and
Happy Jesus' birthday!
Tags: Christmas, Charity